The Write Space, or Where I Write Now

If you don’t remember me telling you about moving my working space into the corner of the master bedroom, I don’t blame you. I’ve just looked back to the relevant blog post and found, to my amazement, that it happened back in 2012. I hadn’t had my desk assembled anywhere for a long time so it was great to have it back up, and to be able to use all the handy storage space it provides. In my post, I optimistically stated: “Hopefully my new ‘writing home’ will produce good results.”

But it didn’t – at least, not for very long. Because despite the way it looks here, with the benefit of flash and sunlight streaming in (only possible because I’d pulled the curtain right back, which meant moving all the books, as the desk obscured a good portion of the window)…

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… it’s a dark dingy corner. There’s no view, no light, and behind me there’s a bed and the inevitable junk that always seems to be cleared from other parts of the house and end up, even if only temporarily, in our bedroom. Coupled with the fact that you can’t move the curtain properly… it just didn’t work, and being able to see my work desk when I was trying to chill and get ready for bed wasn’t exactly relaxing.

Gradually the desk was abandoned and I found myself sometimes working on a lap-tray sitting on the settee, but mostly working at the dining room table, which has a great view of the garden and oodles of light thanks to a huge window and patio doors.

But a while ago I decided that for the sake of my back, intermittent hernia, concentration, sanity and need for easily accessible, compact storage, I needed to go back to having an office – and I needed it before we could afford the garage conversion. So I excavated the spare room and my lovely husband reassembled my desk.


A far brighter room (no flash required!) with a view over the houses and the green space opposite, so that I can have a stare out the window if I want. It’s given me a work space that I can shut the door on if I want, and there’s a laptop dock so that I can use a keyboard and monitor at the right height. The bed-settee below squeezes in beside the desk, providing a thinking chair and somewhere for the kids and him indoors to sit when they arrive home and want to chat about their day – and if we have guests, there is just room to move it and open it out in the space in front.


This is a good thing as the bed settee was called upon not soon after, when my friend was taken into hospital and her boys had to stay for a while. But I’m back in now and it has made the world of difference. All my bits and pieces are just where I need them…


…including essential books.


And any that don’t fit on the desk are on a dedicated bookcase. Hooray!


As a finishing touch, there’s room for my lovely magnetic calendar with all my deadlines clearly marked, so that it’s easy to see where I can fit in other work.


The room has a lovely feel to it and when I’m there, I’m productive and focussed – and not tempted to answer the phone in the middle of a work session because it’s too far away, so it saves me from the curse of the cold-callers too.

Although I can write anywhere when I have to – I do this as a job, so there’s no time for waiting for inspiration in a garret – this really is the Write (pun completely intended) Space.
Where’s yours? 🙂

4 thoughts on “The Write Space, or Where I Write Now”

  1. Sounds as if you’re sorted now. I’m lucky to have a room of my own. (It’s only occasionally a guest bedroom.) I love to look out and see the changing seasons. Just now there are purple flowers peeping in through the window.

    • Yes Miriam, it’s all good. 🙂
      I’ve often thought I’d like to overlook rolling countryside or a garden, but for now it’s the neat front gardens of the semi-circle of houses opposite. Nice to have a view I think, and have some awareness of the weather and seasons. I also overhear the occasional hilarious conversation when the window is open, so then it’s time to whip out the notebook!

  2. I need a magnetic calendar with bright colours indicating each of my deadlines. Your desk is a lot like mine was before we had to cannibalise it to fit in the new office.

    • It is handy, although I mark them in my work diary too as that’s more portable!
      But it does mean I’ve sadly neglected my lovely Inspirations calendar from The Works that matches my diary – beautiful landscapes and inspirational quotes. I hadn’t turned it over since June (‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there’, Theodore Roosevelt, beautiful sunset over the sea pic), so I’ve turned it over to July today to give that page a well-deserved airing for a while!
      I think I commented on our twin desks before when I saw a photo of yours – Simon Whaley has one too. I love the storage space. Sad you’ve had to cannibalise it!


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